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New energy vehicles will have a big move
2023-6-17 16:29:50

New energy vehicles usher in heavy favorable policies. On January 21, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued two documents in succession, proposing to vigorously promote new energy vehicles and gradually eliminate restrictions on the purchase of new energy vehicles around the country; Promote the standardized and orderly development of charging facilities, and accelerate the construction and installation of charging facilities in residential communities.
We will vigorously promote new energy vehicles
On January 21, the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption", proposing to vigorously develop green transportation consumption. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles, gradually lift restrictions on the purchase of new energy vehicles in various localities, promote the implementation of support policies such as free driving and right of way, strengthen the construction of supporting infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity, new energy storage, and hydrogenation, and actively promote the development of LNG for vehicles and ships. Promote the pilot work on the application of new energy vehicle power replacement mode, and carry out demonstration applications of fuel cell vehicles in an orderly manner. We will carry out activities to send new energy vehicles to rural areas and improve the rural operation and maintenance service system.
"New energy vehicles have the advantages of clean environmental protection, low use cost, low emissions and high energy efficiency, and are a key breakthrough for the automotive industry to solve the problem of energy transition and achieve the goal of dual-carbon." Wu Qi, executive director of the Wuxi Digital Economy Research Institute, told reporters that in the context of the transformation of new energy vehicles to the market-oriented direction and the slide in policy subsidies, the focus of national policy support has shifted to supporting infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity, new energy storage, and hydrogenation, aiming to focus on the main problems of the current development of new energy vehicles such as limited purchase of new energy vehicles and imperfect supporting infrastructure. We will accelerate the popularization and application of new energy vehicles. With the clarity of the business model, a diversified investment and financing system will be formed in which the government, enterprises and social capital complement each other and promote the industry to enter the stage of accelerated development.
In recent years, China's automobile green consumption has developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results, especially the sales of new energy vehicles have increased significantly. According to data disclosed by the Ministry of Commerce on January 21, in 2021, China's new energy vehicle sales reached 3.521 million, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, and the proportion of new car sales jumped to 13.4%, an increase of 8 percentage points year-on-year. The number of new energy vehicles has increased to 7.84 million, accounting for 2.6% of China's total vehicles and about half of the world's new energy vehicles. According to estimates by relevant agencies, compared with traditional fuel passenger cars, existing new energy passenger cars reduce carbon emissions by about 15 million tons per year in the use of the link.
At the press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission on the same day, Zhu Chengyi, director of the energy conservation management Department of the State Administration of Public institutions, said that the next step, the State Administration of public institutions will vigorously promote the green transformation of consumption of public institutions, promote public institutions and cadres and employees to prioritize the purchase and use of new energy vehicles, and appropriately increase the proportion of new energy vehicles in the field of party and government organs. In new and existing parking lots in public institutions, more efforts will be made to equip electric vehicle charging infrastructure.